Explore and learn to Relax
A retreat to explore more deeply who you really are and want to be.
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Beschrijving van de dienst
For people who have a job or in some other way have a role as professional and want to re-enforce the balance in relaxing from within on the one hand and expressing themselfes in the world which suits them naturaly on the other hand. In this retreat you explore: - more deeply who you really are and want to be. - which choices you would make in live if they would flow naturally from deep within. - how to deal with these choices to realize the actions related to these choices in your life. Do you recognize the following : o Are you sometimes feel 'swallowed' by all the things you 'have' te do? o That you don't succeed in doing the things you really should; o You are feeling pressure or rushed o You are led by expectations of society o You wonder how to do things differently. o You long for being more your natural self with an inner calmnes. Then this retreat will bring you: o You will connect with your inner longings and drives; o You will learn to explore your own energy-system and how to set your energetical 'space' as your basis to be in and to explore; o You will investigate the effect of other people and different situations on your 'space'; o You will learn to be grounded , to create your own special place, connected to the vital energy of earth. o You will learn the basics of clearing your own energetical space from tensions; o You will investigate where you spent your available energy on;
Oldenzaal, Netherlands