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Intuitive Coaching

Personal session custimized to your development (online or live)

1 hLive or online

Service Description

Do you want to take the next step in your personal growth, for example a question about you as a person in your life or as a professional in your job? Then one or more sessions intuitive coaching will support you. In a session we look at development, at your wishes, at your steps. Where do you have clear sight already about your next step, and where you don’t. Within this process, we indicatie any obstacles for taking your next step and remove or transform them to make space for your personal development. In sessions you learn to 'listen' to your inner self and understand underlying paterns of experienced obstacles. Departing from your own inner values, longings and intuïtion, you will make choices for the next period in life. The next step will then have allignment to your daily life, and fits in your social context. In this way you experience more free space for yourself, wether you are acting as a professional in business, or you are at home. Sessions can be both live and online. A short energetical reading is an custumized option during the session to support your process. (You will find more information about ‘energetical reading’ in our services-page). Feel free to book a separate session to experience the way I am working and what's in it for you.

Contact Details

Oldenzaal, Netherlands

Diensten: Bookings Service Page
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